We provide a lot of services . Here are some services which are very popular and customers are very happy using these services to grow their businesses .
Virtual tour is a very popular solution for small business to grow fast easily . So, we provide virtual tour srevice for small businesses.
Street view is a very nniche thing to explore any place easily by sitting at home . So, we are also providing street view services to explore places and experience more.
Messenger bot/robots/chat-agents is a very popular for more better integrations with customers on Facebook . If you are thinking to grow your business contact us .
We also develop website through progamminng . If you need a reponsive and budget-friendly website . We are always available for help . Contact for more details .
We design websites through coding and using other frame works like as wordpress . Businesses are expanging regularly to atract a crowd they need something new for gettimg more people .
We make google assistant games and food/product ordering methods . So, the small business will be able to get more customers and grow their business easily . Contact us for more details .
My Business Manager is a recent project of mine which i made for particapating in Facebook Devpost Messenger hackathon . This project is actually made using dialogflow for hand over potocol and private responces . I can say that the project was good enough but there are more better developers than me in the whole world . You can chek it out on .
Pirganj quiz was one of my starting project's with a lot of invocations everyday . It is a google assistant trivia game that i made in 2019. The game starts when you say Hey Google "Talk to Pirganj quiz" . Then it start's asking simple multiple choice question's about Pirganj Upazila. It is a realy a good way to learn more effectively and that will help you grow your knowlwdge . Learn more
PGHS Info was one of my starting project's too . It is a google assistant trivia game that i made in the startung of 2019. The game starts when you say Hey Google "Talk to pghs info" / "ASk PGHS Info" / "Talk to Pirganj Government High School" . Then it start's asking simple multiple choice question's about pirganj Government High School . It is a realy a good way to learn more about the history of our school and know it better . Learn more
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad, iusto cupiditate voluptatum impedit unde rem ipsa distinctio illum quae mollitia ut, accusantium eius odio ducimus illo neque atque libero non sunt harum? Ipsum repellat animi, fugit architecto voluptatum odit et!
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ad, iusto cupiditate voluptatum impedit unde rem ipsa distinctio illum quae mollitia ut, accusantium eius odio ducimus illo neque atque libero non sunt harum? Ipsum repellat animi, fugit architecto voluptatum odit et!
I am Jacky the CEO and the founding person of 360 World . It is a online business . I am developer and also a influencer . I belive that age doesn't matter to any work . I create to simplyfy the world . " Build Technology For Everyone "
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